Color-Changing Water (Legendary)
Color-Changing Water allows you to have limited* alternate water colorations for your Waterdog!
- By adding this legendary to your waterdog, you can have up to a default of 5 water color variations upon the initial addition of the trait (this includes the original watercolor.)
- A Rainbow Water Ticket is still needed as an add-on trait if you are using rainbow water (if the character doesn't already have that trait.)
- After the designs initial approval, an additional Two more variants may be added through the use of a Water Color Changer Ticket AND/OR a Water Change Bucket.
- Designs that exceed the 7 maximum limit may only be gained through the Sea Breeze Salon at this time, or via an Any Color Water / Any Color Sand Ticket.
- Like ‘Any-Color Changing Sand’- ‘Any Color Changing Water’ can only be gained through the Sea Breeze Salon (or Self-Breeds if a parent has the trait) and additionally has extra restrictions placed on the use IF it is paired with ‘Any Color Changing Water’.
- If a waterdog has split water in addition to Color Changing Water, the Waterdogs split design is also allowed to optionally change water on it’s own AND/OR can change places/shapes [examples below.]
- Waterdogs who have Matching Eye Color to Water do NOT need the Color Changing Eye trait if the WD also has color changing water, which changes the eyes at the same time. (Additionally, notes must be added onto the masterlist IF the WD does NOT have Matching Eye Color to Water, as the eyes are not allowed to be the same color as the water!)
Visual Examples:
7 variants:
7 variants:
Any including Srs:
Mismatching eye:
Mismatching eye, color changing eye:
Split-Only Color Change: