Fizzy's "Lucky" Rabbit's Foot

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Archie’s Emporium, a sometimes barren store that occasionally fills with a cavalcade of colored runestones. These runestones hold several different powers that offer physical changes to a waterdog or watercat, but there are the odd outliers that make its way through Archie’s doors. 


“Archie’s Emporium? Isn’t that where you guys found my stone and house?” Boo pauses and thinks about her stone getting shattered. “...Well, my former house now that I think about it.” Boo rubbed her chin as she rode on Fizzy’s back still thinking about where she was going to live.


Fizzy turned his head back and nodded, his smile beaming like the morning sun as usual. “The very same! And I told you before, Archie is very sorry about shattering your stone. He may be an archaeologist but he can be clumsy sometimes, heck I can relate!” Fizzy laughed to himself as he tripped over a small rock in the road. “See? Haha. Oh look, we made good time!” 


Though the dust enveloped window on the front door of Archie’s Emporium stood the man himself, paw on the door sign mid-motion dipping it from open to closed. He spotted the pair trotting up and opened the door to poke his head through. “I’m sorry but we are closing for the day… Oh why if it isn’t dear little Boo and…” Archie sighs as he notices who she was riding on. “...Fizzy. What pray tell, do the pair of you have on your minds right now, we are closed as you can see.”


“Aww come on Archie! Your shop is so far away from where I’m staying and I wanted to show Boo the latest things you brought back from your journey!” Fizzy and Boo gave Archie a pair of guilt filled puppy eyes. “...Plus you broke Boo’s house, you could let us at least poke around for a few minutes.” Fizzy mumbled to the seasoned journeyman.


His paw dusty from cleaning off parts of his new haul smacked his face creating a small puff of dust. “I’m going to regret this aren’t I?” Archie sighed then looked at the duo once more. “Alright alright, but only 10 minutes, I have a date with some fresh fossils and runestones back at my abode.” Come in you two, but no touching without permission!” He adamantly stated not wanting to be responsible for yet another spirit being freed and simultaneously destroying their home in a single clumsy drop of a stone.


Fizzy and Boo trotted around the shop, eyeing up and down the shelves on the walls, Multiple colors and shapes adorned Archei’s collection. “Wow Boo look at all these, Color changing eyes, Electric water, he even has mist! I would be kinda like you!” Boo and Fizzy chuckle as they imagine each other with the traits that the magical stones gifted. Fizzy’s head cocks to the side as he sees something that didn’t fit in. In the corner of a shelf behind a Multi-Eye runestone was a dusty rabbit’s foot. “Hey Archie, is this a lucky rabbit’s foot?!?! I thought you only dealt in runestones! I’ve always wanted one of these!” Fizzy exclaimed as he flopped the foot onto the front counter. 


“I don’t remember picking that up recently,or at all for that matter. It looks very old though, I’m not even sure that it’s real to be perfectly honest with you boy.” Archie looked over the ‘Rabbit’s Foot’ and shook his head once more. “Unfortunately my boy I do not believe that this is a re-”


Fizzy slapped 20 Sand Dollars onto the counter and Boo snatched it up before they made their way out of the door. Sure enough the tag left on the counter said 20 Sand Dollars, though for the life of him Archie couldn’t remember ever having the piece let alone pricing it…


Fizzy and Boo made their way back to Fizzy’s temporary housing and found that he had a letter waiting for him. “My offer on the house was accepted! Boo! I have a new home and you can come too!” They both hopped up and down like little excited pups. “I knew that this thing was lucky!” He exclaimed 

Fizzy's "Lucky" Rabbit's Foot
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In Literature ・ By GothicGoat

A short story about Fizzy and Boo stumbling upon waht would become his "lucky" Rabbits Foot. 

Thia story was written for the March Prompt.

Submitted By GothicGoat
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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