Trading and Reselling

Created: 28 January 2024, 10:44:59 CST
Last updated: 30 December 2024, 17:20:08 CST
Quick Links
Species Rules | MYO Info | Trading and Reselling | Voiding and Unvoiding | Blacklist

64461728_YpWeegNLC6xJlYq.gifTrading and Reselling64462041_aYJckToU1LjMsOc.gif


64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png You must wait at least 3 days before trading or selling your Waterdog. 64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
There are no restrictions on gifting!

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngResale Rules and Value Update Process 64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
You are not allowed to sell your Waterdog for more than what you bought it for.

We do not honor another character's value in a trade to update the value of the Waterdog you obtained as this has nothing to do with the waterdog in question during the Waterdog being obtained.*
(*Ex: My character, Ginger, has a value of $150 and I traded it for this waterdog whose value is $0. That Waterdog is not suddenly worth $150 because the character you traded had a $150 value.)

These rules are in place to prevent scalping.
Scalping is where users obtain high-priced or highly sought-after Waterdogs in trade or gift for the sole purpose of reselling them for profits rather than obtaining to just enjoy them. No one likes that, and so we don't want to see that happen to anyone here!

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png Waterdogs pending in Art trades or Payment plans 64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
We highly encourage users to hold off on transferring waterdogs who are pending art trades or payment plans even if they are partially paid.
This is to ensure all owed work or payments are completed before the update in ownership! Users who take the risk and transfer their Waterdog to someone still pending artwork or payment might not fully receive payment for their trade. While we will support the person wronged in these situations, we would like to avoid this happening altogether by practicing safer trading procedures by not sending a design before gaining full complete payment.

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png Users who fail to upkeep their agreement of a payment plan or art trades 64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
While we understand that things may come up that hinder a member's ability to complete payment or projects in owed payments, you are still responsible for holding up your end of what you offered.
We highly encourage all members to openly communicate with each other if issues or delays arise in these situations and we encourage our members to be understanding. However, if push comes to shove and things are not getting done there will be consequences for those who fail to upkeep their end of the trade and we'll do our best to ensure everyone is happy and can work something out if two parties are not agreeing.
Repeat offenses for not being able to complete your end of a trade or payment may result in a blacklist from the species.

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png After Rehoming a Waterdog and "Personal Rules"64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
Once a Waterdog is sold or traded, it belongs to the new owner.
The previous owner does not keep any influence over the design such as 'trade back' rules or rules attached to a design on what you can or can't do with it once it leaves your ownership.
these include but are not limited to;
Name restrictions, Design restrictions, Tradeability/resale restrictions, etc.

We will not force anyone to abide by personal rules you may ask or attach to a design when rehoming. You are free to request things such as a waterdog being potentially sold, traded, or gifted back to you later but you cannot force anyone to do anything once the character has left your ownership.

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png Advertising Resales and Trades 64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
Your waterdog must be registered on the Character Masterlist and it must be linked in your advertisement to be allowed into the group's gallery or Discord! 
Please make sure the master list entry is up to date when trading your Waterdog. This is to ensure our community's safety and proof of ownership before someone makes an offer!



64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngWhat is an Appraisal?64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
An Appraisal is where you send in a report or DM waterdog_world_admin on discord for an updated value amount on your Waterdog by providing proof of the commissioned artwork during your ownership and what you paid on each piece to update the resale value of your Waterdog when reselling!

Appraisals values STAY on a character even as it is swapped! While this used to not be the case following 2024, our trades and sales rules were updated!

If an appraisal has not been edited onto the masterlist after confirmation in dms from past Moderators/admins, please send in a report with screenshots of your proof of appraisal to get it edited

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngWhat is needed for an Appraisal64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
64762251_OesS9Yu3RdFpO88.gifProof of commission (Screenshots of proof of ordering or receipts)
64762251_OesS9Yu3RdFpO88.gifOpen image logs with values attached in the Description and proper artist credit
64762251_OesS9Yu3RdFpO88.gifImage links with Artist's commission boards/prices are attached for verification

We understand that not all of this can be provided but we encourage you to do your best!
If you know the value of your commission but you have no proof we'll do our best to work with you on that either way!

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngThings that would not update the value of your Waterdogs Appraisal64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
Personal Art, Gift Art, Trade Art, or Artwork commissioned/obtained while NOT in your ownership.
(Basically, anything that you didn't pay for will not update the value of your Waterdog.)
This is so we're ensuring our community members are not overpaying for a design than what it's worth. While we understand sentimentals, we still need to keep things tame and fair for everyone. You are free to accept whatever offer you're looking for, all we ask is to keep the resale value at its paid-in worth.
Members who are caught lying about their commissioned values will be subjected to blacklisting.*
*Accidents do happen or not everything is kept track of, and we understand this so don't stress too badly!




Our voucher system was used for users who obtained a Waterdog in a trade back when trading a Waterdog reset it's value! 

This rule is now obsolete and any Waterdog can be sold for it's highest value (it's initial resale value + any appraised value).

As this rule is newer, not every Waterdog's resale value will accurately reflect their full value.

If a Waterdog has both a vouch and resale value, whichever value is highest is the Waterdog's most accurate value! Any Waterdog with a vouch value can be resold for that value as of 2024. 

Please send in a report or a DM to waterdog_world_admin if you need your Waterdog's resale value to be updated to match it's vouch value!

Quick Links
Species Rules | MYO Info | Trading and Reselling | Voiding and UnvoidingBlacklist

64462166_MYcr0ng25QXcldg.pngOur rules are always subject to change as we learn along the way!64462166_MYcr0ng25QXcldg.png
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to send in questions to our species owner, a staff member, or the Help board in our Discord group!