
Created: 16 February 2022, 09:20:22 CST
Last updated: 20 August 2024, 03:11:48 CDT
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Species Rules | MYO Info | Trading and Reselling | Voiding and Unvoiding | Blacklist



64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngWhat is Blacklisting?64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png

Blacklisting is where individuals are excluded from the group and community due to various, serious reasons such as but not limited to; Scamming, Chargebacks, Harassment of others, Bullying, Inappropriate content sharing, etc.

Blacklisted users are forbidden to participate in the species in any way, including but not limited to: trading for/buying new waterdogs, trading for/buying new items, having art drawn since their blacklist be submitted to the site or redeemed for SD, having characters designed by them since their blacklist be submitted to the ML.

Blacklisted members will not be able to obtain more Waterdogs once on the list nor will we update entries onsite to reflect that if they do come into ownership of a waterdog when they shouldn't have.
We will press for trades to be canceled if possible with a Blacklisted user.

Any user who is caught transferring a Waterdog to these users is subjected to possibly getting a strike or harsher punishment if their actions are deliberate by ignoring our Blacklist TOS.
Continued assistance to blacklisted users can also result in removal from our Discord server and potentially added to the Blacklist itself if roundabout participation is continued.

Blacklisted members are free to enjoy the Waterdogs they have before being blacklisted and may not have their Waterdogs voided in all cases.
Blacklist-related Voiding happens case by case for Blacklisted users however we can void Waterdogs at any time if we see a reason to.

64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.pngCan Waterdogs Be Revoked?64462128_WKMH6lVS7vBcp3R.png
We will never revoke designs from members unless there is a situation that causes a transfer to be considered null or fallen through!
(a chargeback or scam for example, but the design would be going back to who it previously belonged to!)


Each user here will not be allowed to obtain more Waterdogs or rejoin the species unless given an appeal notice.
We try to prevent using this list as much as possible, however, if push comes to shove with serious violations, you will be banned. Anyone can request information as to why a user was Blacklisted.


  1. Charliecat

  2. crystal--caverns / echocrystal / seaglasse

  3. Frappace / WetDogAce

  4. Mafu9

  5. yokataiikubai  /miyaorika

  6. Periwinkletotem

  7. Pinewolf

  8. theredpand-a / _keigos_feathers - Groomer

  9. pokestopz / lumineeesee

  10. Phopho / Phophophylite 

  11. Halloween - Zoophillia

  12. Perikeets

  13. Chewtoys

  14. Lvminosity

  15. Spycorp

  16. Lepid

  17. peskybird / passeriformes / watcher-s / watchers / koistellations / reppamon / crescemon / Amapola - Abuser

  18. Fvrret/Furret - Groomer

  19. palelibrarian - Groomer

  20. Gh0stMuttz

  21. suitcase - Abuser

  22. insinirate / bkdk

  23. pvzzle

  24. spottedghost

Quick Links
Species Rules | MYO Info | Trading and Reselling | Voiding and UnvoidingBlacklist

64462166_MYcr0ng25QXcldg.pngOur rules are always subject to change as we learn along the way!64462166_MYcr0ng25QXcldg.png
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to send in questions to our species owner, a staff member, or the Help board in our Discord group!