All Prompts

CBC Turn-In

Category: Other

Any CBCs or media-inspired Waterdogs should go here!


Please attach all of your Waterdogs that are CBCs & include their media source! In the comments section, put your Waterdog's code, the character they are based on, and the media source they're from so that they can be updated accordingly! 

If a design was:
1. redesigned into a CBC OR
2. was a CBC and has now been redesigned into something else
It counts as needing to be documented here.
IF a design was a CBC prior and was redesigned into another CBC, please note all sources down

(ex. MYO-0001 - based on the 10th Doctor - Doctor Who)

If you're unsure if your character is a CBC: 

WDs that do not share a design with a copywrited character and are only that character in name-only OR OCs that are in a copywrited world setting are not considered CBCs. These do not need to be noted on this list. (IE: A random WD you named after your favorite character but shares nothing else.)

'Concept’ CBCs are designs that are based off of something within a source media but it is NOT a character. (Example: Minecraft Biomes/Blocks still count as CBCs)

Additionally, all CBCs are tracked under the notes tab on an image like so! We will only be noting the media on the masterlist, however, the character it is based off of is privately tracked by staff and will only be seen by staff.

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


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