The Sand Shop
Welcome to the sand shop! Here you can purchase items with our species currency, sanddollars!
Sandollars can be obtained from daily rewards and submitting to prompts.
You can find trait modifers, MYO tickets, Self-Breed tickets, as well as currency converters and a special, First Time Owner Basket found under our "special items" tab! The FTO Basket is only claimable once, and contains some sanddollars, rare treats and a myo slot to help get you started.
Bob Tail
Cost: 1000
Breed Specific Body Type
Cost: 1500
Colored Sclera
Cost: 500
Dragon Whiskers
Cost: 500
Mane (Dogs and Cats)
Cost: 1000
Rainbow Water
Cost: 1000
Rounded Ears
Cost: 500
Sand Color Changer
Cost: 300
Sand Pants/Shorts
Cost: 1500
Sand Sweater/Shirt
Cost: 1500
Cost: 500
Shaped Irises
Cost: 500
Split Water
Cost: 1000
Cost: 1500
Tusks / Saber Teeth
Cost: 500
Unnatural Sand Colors
Cost: 500
MYO Slot
Cost: 4500
Self-Breeding Slot
Cost: 5500