Tide Pool

[Art by Lobcorp]
As you open the doors to the new building, a little bell rings from above your head. You hear some shuffling around from within the shop, and an old, scruffy looking lion peeps out at you from from behind the wall. Making his way over to the front desk, he sits down and holds out a paw.
"Why, hello there youngin' welcome to The Tide Pool!" He grins at you, his voice sounding rough but seeping with a warm kindness. "My name is Leon," as you can see from the nametag on his desk, "This is a place I've been hard at work for, working with my granddaughter Addie, as somewhere for pups and kits alike to find new homes."
You hear someone running from further down the building, and a voice pipe up "It's like a hotel! We have a lot of really nice amenities here-" as a short, munchkin kitty with braided hair runs and skids to a stop next to Leon. "We help take excellent care of animals needing a place to stay until they find a place of their own." You figure this must be the Addie that Leon was referring to. She gives a little hop, grinning all the while, "Come on in, let's show you around!"
Welcome to The Tide Pool!
Here you can turn in unwanted characters, and exchange them for others- an adoption center.
Surrendering characters will give you Starfish, which can be used to purchase new characters from the Tide Pool! You will recieve different amounts of Starfish depending on the rarity and species of the character you surrender! This can be seen below.
- Common
- 15 Starfish
- Uncommon
- 25 starfish
- Rare
- 35 starfish
- Legendary
- 45 starfish
- Mythical
- 55 starfish
- Cats
- +10 starfish
- Big Cats
- +15 starfish
Tide pool rules
- You can purchase 3 designs per month. This number resets on the first of the month. You can see how many purchases you have left available at the bottom of the shop page.
- All characters purchased have a 30 day cooldown, meaning you cannot sell, vouch, or trade them until a month has passed.
- You can still purchase a design for somebody else, but this will use one of your purchase slots for the month!! If you buy for somebody else as a gift, please submit a report and a staff member can transfer the character to whomever it was purchased for.
- You can only surrender characters that you have owned for at least 30 days (1 month) The shop will give you an error if you try surrendering anything less than this timeframe.
- Do not surrender characters who are co-owned, unless express permission is given by ALL co-owners (with proof!)
- You cannot purchase your own designs/characters that you submitted to the pool (via surrender or by prompt.) You can, however, purchase any designs/characters you previously owned, as long as they were not submitted by you.
If a surrendered character has a toyhou.se page, please transfer them to waterdoge on toyhou.se after your surrender is accepted!
If you adopt a character that has a toyhou.se profile attached, please submit an on-site report with your toyhou.se username so we can transfer them over to you!
Additionally, you can also make a design yourself to submit into the Tide Pool without the need for a MYO slot, to adopt out into the community with the first prompt link below.
Please be sure to read the rules for submitting designs carefully in the different prompt's descriptions!
No-Item Prompt (Temporaily closed)
This prompt does not require items of any kind to submit to it.
Prompt limits are set to 2 a month per user, and will reward you with 35 starfish each.
Dogs only, up to 1 rare trait- no legendary or mythical.
Items Required Prompt (Temporaily Closed)
This prompt requires items to be submitted with the design! This prompt will reward only the first submission per month, based on the above pricing guidelines!
This prompt is good for users who like to design and want to use any items they might have, but don't want them for themselves.