Jennie's Sea Breeze Salon

Created: 19 August 2024, 22:17:34 CDT
Last updated: 19 August 2024, 22:17:34 CDT

Hellooo! I'm Jennie and here are my prices for the Sea Breeze Salon!
I offer both Tier 1 redesigns, and Tier 2 'customs' (note: Tier 2 are technically not full customs, as you still have to replace an existing waterdog of yours in exchange!)

Open any month I'm not doing a breeding batch
I can take up to 3 per month!


Dogs - $45
Cats - $60
Big Cats - $70
Dogs - $50
Cats - $65
Big Cats - $75


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General Information Before You Order!:
I work best with fun, colorful themes! I do not do well with overly dark or mainly greyscale palettes, and I prefer not to work off of colorpicking one specific palette. 
I am okay with some CBCs, and if I have done a CBC of a character before, there is a good chance I'd prefer not to make a design based off that character again. Please ask me ahead of time about cbc inquiries! 
I can sometimes take up to three months to finish a commission. I generally try to get my work done as soon as possible, but my irl life is pretty hectic so sometimes I get swamped!! I ask that you please be patient with me. 
I'm also always willing to provide WIPs, just let me know when ordering if that's something you want!