Meph's Salon

Created: 4 September 2024, 20:04:27 CDT
Last updated: 9 December 2024, 14:22:07 CST

damn i messed up, we gotta go bald

HI it's me meph! Welcome to my Seabreeze Salon page!
I offer both Tiers of redesigns!

My availability will always be up to date here!
Currently: CLOSED

- I will not draw designs with rosette type markings, realistic/complex spot + stripe markings may be accepted case by case but rarely.
- I will not draw designs with very low contrast markings or other eye straining colours. (if  you're unsure, please dm me to discuss!)
- I will not draw multi-headed designs.
- I cannot work with strict deadlines. All commission work is done in my limited free time, so please be understanding of this!
Salon work will be completed within 3 months unless specified otherwise.

- I’m happy to work with CBCs, though I will require references and sources to be listed.
- I work best when given a specific theme, moodboard, or inspiration photos!


Tier 1 redesign:
dogs: $45
cats: $50
big/wild cats: $65

Tier 2 semi-custom:
dogs: $75
cats: $80
big cats: $100

- Any rare traits being added will be an additional $5
- Any legendary traits will be an additional $10
- Any mythical traits will be an additional $15
You are more than welcome to use your own trait items in lieu of paying a fee, they will be deleted from your inventory once the commission is complete!

Complexity fees will apply and may be anywhere from +10% to +50% of the base price. This includes things like accessories and colour variants!

Waterdogs with multiple forms will be subject to price increases and will be priced case by case.

Any premade designs may be subject to a discount from the tier 2 price, please discuss with me if interested!

I require payment upfront, and I can only accept PayPal. Prices listed are in USD!

Contact me on Discord (shouboutai) for a quote!