Sand Dollar Redemption Price Guide

Created: 27 October 2022, 13:34:21 CDT
Last updated: 5 July 2024, 16:36:52 CDT

this is a vague guide for how we calculate Submissions for the monthly sand bank art prompts.

Please do not calculate your own rewards! All amounts given by mods are final and are what we deem fair for effort and finish and will always compare to previous art we have seen from you.

Regarding compilation art submissions of multiple instances of a singular character:
Please do not submit pieces with more than 8 non-interactive fullbodies/halfbodys/headshots/etc in one piece! 
We reserve the right to reject any submissions that disregard this.

Base art will be halved after totals are calculated!

What we consider base art is art that is completed using a base/the same pose with no or minimal edits to lineart between instances. Artwork showcasing variants with little to no changes to lineart will be counted as base art.


literature - 10 per 50 words

*Must be at least 50 words!
Please make sure to give us content warnings when submitting if needed. 


type of art? (Begin with this number!)

*Only applies once per submission*

Digital drawing/traditional drawing - 100
Small physical craft - 100-300
Large physical craft - 400-700
3D model/small sculpture (less than 6in tall/wide) - 300-1000
Large sculpture (larger than 7in tall/wide) - 1000-3000
Small plushie (less than 8in tall) - 1500
Large plushie (more than 9in tall) - 4000



*per each insTAnce of character in piece*

Trinket/allusion to character - 10
Headshot - 20
Bust - 30
Halfbody - 50
Fullbody - 100



*per each instance of character in piece*

Sketch only - 5
Lineart only - 10
Lineart with single color fill - 25
Lineart with flat colors - 40
Lineless with flat colors - 45
Flat color with simple shading (1 layer, has shadows with no highlights / highlights with no shadows - one or the other) - 55
Flat color with detailed shading (more than 1 layer, has both shadows and highlights) - 80
Fully rendered painting - 100



*only applies once per submission at highest tier shown*

Minor details/pop-ups/border - 15
Flat color/gradient - 20
Simple pattern/props/floaty objects - 35
Simple scene - 70
Detailed scene - 100



*only applies once per submission at highest tier shown*

Line wiggle/simple animation - 20-40
Blink/ear flick/tail wag - 50-80
Multiple moving parts - 100 - 200
Full animated body - 250- 1000

This system and the amounts are subject to change if we feel it is needed. We reserve the right to award less SD/reject any submissions that we feel are abusing the system. (This is an unlikely situation but we're including this to be safe.)