Submission (#15341) Approved

23 May 2024, 20:34:22 CDT (8 months ago)
24 May 2024, 00:21:05 CDT (8 months ago) by zorri


"Oh, back again so soon?

It seems like one of the waterfriends that Marina ran into is the sweet as pie Rosemary! Only 60 years young, he's normally found in his hometown of Moonlocke. Famous for their crescent shaped bay, he found himself a love of pastries and sweets. His small bakery has been around for over 100 years, starting with his grandparents! He's spent his whole life surrounded with the scent of bread and honey waking him up in the morning. While Moonlocke isn't known for many folks living there, the Rosey-posey Pastries Bakery is a must go if you're in town! While he's more inclined to put floral notes into his sweets, he loves to evoke the sweet history of their town by baking crescent sweets. His La Luna croissants are to die for, filled with a light cream cheese frosting and decorated with a dark chocolate drizzling!

Oh- That's enough about him, sorry, it's easy to get a little lost in memories when you've been around for so long! He's in town for Waterdog month, selling some special madeleine cookies- they're scallop shaped! Cute, huh? Marina might have grabbed a snack after talking to her mystery friend... Rosemary is definitely a familiar face but isn't the cat she's looking for! Maybe it was his accessories that stood out to her?

Good luck Marina! How about you have another couple of cookies for the road... and for your friend, when you do find them! Lots of love and ocean breeze, sweetheart~"

Aaand to make it easier for nyall, here's the trait list! Thank you so much for the opportunity, I'll definitely be shooting to make Rosemary real if he's one of the friends not picked at the end <3. Thank you for all the effort going into this year's waterdog month!

Sand: C Standard sand
Water: C Standard water, R Split water, R Seafoam
Eyes: C Matching eye color, C Standard sclera
Ears: UC Folded/floppy ears
Tail: UC Curled tail
Hair: UC Sand hair
Body: R Sand sweater
Extras: C Animal companion (Lovebird)


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