Announcement + Autumn Banner Contest

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by GlassAce


Hello everyone, this is just a small announcement letting you all know that there will be a lot of visual changes on the website coming up (not right away.) This includes the background images, some items, a couple of the site banners and some other assets- including the site's logo and watermark.
These were changes requested upon by the artist who created them, and asked of us that they get replaced when we are able to, but we don't want to alarm or catch anybody off guard by making large, sudden visual changes like these without informing everyone first. This will be a process that will take us quite some time to complete, but it is something we are working on out of respect of the person who's requested it, and ask that their privacy also gets respected.


With that being said, we'd like to host a contest for a new autumn site theme.
This contest will last for one month, ending on the end of the day, September 28th, 23:59:59pm site time 
We have an on site gallery for you to submit entries to -
As well as a special event prompt for submissions -
Please read all the rules below carefully! 

Rules for site banner!

  • Must be autumn themed in some way!!
    • Please do not make it Halloween themed, as the site currently has a theme for Halloween!
  • The banner size must be 200x1920 pixels in order to properly fit the site.
  • No animated banners will be allowed, they must be static images.
  • Must feature our site mascots, Marina or Roxanne, or any of our NPC's! We will not be accepting entries with personal characters.
  • If you win, you must be comfortable with sending us an unwatermarked version to use for the website, you will be credited for your work on our credits page!

First Place Winner

  • Custom Design by one of our staff members (will have a list of artists to chose from, TBD)
    5,000 sanddollars

Second Place Winner

  • First choice in a batch of pre-made mod designs (What's not picked goes into the tide pool)
  • 3,000 sanddolllars

Third Place Winner

  • Second choice in a batch of pre-made mod designs (What's not picked goes into the tide pool)
  • 1,000 sanddolllars

All Entries

  • Will receive a 500 sanddollars bonus, on top of whatever amount you'd get from the normal sand bank prompt

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