Howdy I'm Chey! I'm generally pretty friendly and love meeting new people, so don't be afraid to message me sometime! I love bright colors so as you'll notice, nearly all my characters are really bright and colorful. They just make me happy that way and I vibe with it a lot. I'm almost always open for art trades- I'll do one with anybody regardless of age, "skill level" ect... Just ask and I'll let you know if I'm available!
I also love and appreciate any and all gift art- if any of my characters catch your fancy (and are listed as okay for gift art) then by all means go ham and draw them if you'd like to! I'll probably return the favor when I get the chance to!! <3
sunflwrseeds He/Him
ugh 🫵
2024-10-05 03:26:27 (Edited 2024-10-05 04:15:05)
Unfeature Comment
AlienOddity Staff Member She/They
2024-10-05 04:14:59
Feature Comment