
Sand On Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

A tail that has some amounts of sand on it. All Waterdogs/cats are required to have water on the tail somewhere.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Tails cannot be fully made of sand.

- The only exceptions to this are Aquatic tails.

Standard Tail Shape (Common)

Category: Tail

A tail shape that is considered normal for a default dog/cat/big cat. 

Wave Tail (Common)

Category: Tail

A tail made completely of water. Sometimes this can be portrayed as looking like a ‘wave’ or ‘waterfall’.

Curled Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

A tail that curls back towards the body.

Aquatic Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

Any and all shaped tails that are 'aquatic' looking in nature. These can have the shape of any realistic/fantastical fish and shark tails. This trait also includes 'tentacle' shaped tails.

Bob Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A very short tail like a bobcat! This trait is not the same as no tail

Multiple Tails (Rare)

Category: Tail

More than one tail on a waterdog/watercat.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- You only need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog already has it, you are free to add more tails without needing addition extra tail tickets or rare treats.

- A maximum of 9 tails is allowed to be added onto a design.

Regular multi-tails:

Shaped multi-tails:

Sentient Tail w/multi tail:

Split Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A tail with the end split down the middle! The split cannot reach the base of the tail as otherwise that would be considered multiple tails.

Extra Long Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A tail that is abnormally long compared to a natural dog/cat tail.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- 'Abnormally long' refers to a length that is not natural compared to a normal cat/dog tail. A 'normal' length would be a tail that is around half-to-the-full-length of a cat/dogs body. If a tail is longer than the cat/dogs body, it would start to fall under the 'extra long tail' zone.

Sentient Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail

Sentient Tails can come in many different shapes and sizes! They are allowed to have other pseudo ‘head’-like features on them, including ears, eyes, and mouths. They can be uniquely shaped (like a usable hand-tail) or ‘natural’ shaped (like snake-heads).

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