Multiple Tails (Rare)
More than one tail on a waterdog/watercat.
- You only need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog already has it, you are free to add more tails without needing additional extra tail tickets or rare treats.
- A maximum of 9 tails is allowed to be added onto a design.
Regular multi-tails:
Shaped multi-tails:
Sentient Tail w/multi tail:
Extra Long Tail (Rare)
A tail that is abnormally long compared to a natural dog/cat tail.
- 'Abnormally long' refers to a length that is not natural compared to a normal cat/dog tail. A 'normal' length would be a tail that is around half-to-the-full-length of a cat/dogs body. If a tail is longer than the cat/dogs body, it would start to fall under the 'extra long tail' zone.
Split Tail (Rare)
A tail with the end split down the middle! The split cannot reach the base of the tail, as otherwise that would be considered multiple tails.
Aquatic Tail (Rare)
Any and all shaped tails that are 'aquatic' looking in nature. These can have the shape of any realistic/fantastical fish and shark tails. This trait also includes 'tentacle' shaped tails.
- This trait does not require the shaped sand trait for scales on it.
- This trait type does not require water to be on the tail.
"Fish"-Styled Tails:
"Shark"-Stylized Tails:
"Other"-Aquatic Tails:
Shaped Tail (Rare)
A tail that is uniquely shaped and would be unnatural for a real dog/cat to have.
Does not include 'aquatic' looking tails.
- Shaped Tails are not required to have water on them. This is the only type of tail, alongside Aquatic Tails, that can be fully made of sand!
Mane - Dog/Cat (Rare)
A mane on the head, neck, and/or chest of a waterdog / watercat. Typically looks like a ‘lion’ mane but can also be longer fur extending on the neck/back. Can be made fully out of water, sand, or both.
Stitching (Rare)
"Frankenstein" style stitches that attach two or more pieces of fur together. Can be a marking or different fur patterns.
Stitching with gaps/holes require this, as well as the Open Stitching legendary trait.
This is NOT the same as the shaped sand fabric trait.
Sand Shirt (Rare)
Sand that covers the front half of a Waterdog and wraps around the elbow and up to 3/4 down the front legs. Cannot cover the wrists or further to be classified as a shirt versus sweater.
(The first one below displays a Sand Sweater, while the second one depicts a Sand Shirt)
Sand Pants (Rare)
Sand that covers the back half of a Waterdog, covering around the entirety of the back legs. Can exclude toes.
Sand Shorts (Rare)
Sand that covers the back half of a Waterdog, covering around the knees and down the length of the back legs. Cannot cover the ankles to be classified as shorts versus pants.
Sand Sweater (Rare)
Sand that covers the front half of a Waterdog and wraps around the entirety of the front legs. Can exclude toes.
Breed Specific Body Type (Rare)
Breed Specific Body is used when wanting physical attributes that don't look like a 'standard' canine/wolf or cat/big cat (AKA: They are breed specific!)
These would include wanting short legs, taller legs, corgi body, poodle hair, etc...
[IMPORTANT: Extended information on breed specific body (or BSB) can be found below:]
The below examples demonstrate Poodles, Lykois, and Munchkins/short legs
- This trait is only for NATURAL real-life animal breeds. Anything unnatural looking (like noodle-body, giraffe, etc.) would go under Abnormal Body
- 'Mini' breeds are no longer being recognized as they are a loophole for the past 'abnormal size change' trait. Any 'mini' breeds will now be considered Extra-small (XS) and will need Abnormal Body (Size XS)
- The breed specific body trait will automatically cover any other traits in the species with your design, just with the addition of BSB. This means something like a basset hound, would not need to have long ears purchased/added on to your MYO as it will be automatically added in under BSB (though we still require it to be listed.)
Breeds that can be naturally made with the traits we have in the species already are NOT considered breed specific body (BSB).
(For Example: An Australian Shepherd can be made by using the bob tail + folded ears trait.)
The breed you are using for your design MUST physically change the body type in some way- by either changing height, drastic fur shape (such as poodles,) length, muzzle, build, etc... Breeds that do not change the body will not be allowed to be used as a BSB-body type, as they can be made with a normal MYO.
The below Breeds/Traits are currently allowed to be used without the need for 'bsb':
Any 'Generic' Dog Build
Aussie/Australian Shepherd
Shiba Inu
Arctic Fox
Red Fox
Any 'Generic' Cat Build
Domestic Short/Medium/Longhair Cat
Big Cats:
Any 'Generic' Big-Cat Build
Spikes/Spines (Rare)
Spikes or spines sprouting out of a Waterdog/cat.
These can be located anywhere on the body. Appearance and amount does not matter, and they can be made out of sand and/or water.
Dorsal Fin (Rare)
A vertical fin appearing anywhere on the Waterdog/cat’s back.
This is not the same as the 'fins' trait.
Will-O-Wisps (Rare)
Will-O-Wisps are optional balls of energy, flames, magic or similar type of substances that follow and float around the character.
Can be sentient when paired with the animal companion trait.
Does not require the mist trait- but can be paired with it. They can be stylized.
Chibi Wings (Rare)
Chibi Wings are a subtrait to the 'wings' trait. These wings can be detached a 'floating' away from the body WITHOUT needing the Limb Segmentation trait. A Wing Trait Ticket can be used to add this trait to your waterdog/cat.