Profile CAP-4636: Rainer

Owned by indekins


CAP-4636: Rainer
Image #5660

"My, my! Marina is missing you say? Well, I just saw her happy and healthy just about two weeks ago! The dear is probably off visiting Coral Cove and you just missed her so no need to worry too much! Here, I wanted to give this beautiful Pearl as an early birthday gift but she had sailed off before I could give it to her, be a dear for me and pass this on to her when you see her! ta-ta for now!"


10 May 2022, 16:04:15 CDT

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value
Can be vouched
Vouch Value

Can be selfbred
Can be selfbred 3 out of 3 times

Original Price $250