Tide Pool Updates
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by AlienOddityEdit November 21st
Hello everyone, some more lil tidepool quality of life updates for you!
We have coded in:
- A check to prevent co-owned designs from being surrendered, so long as they're connected via the site co-own feature.
- A check to make sure users can't purchase their own surrenders, or tidepool designs created via the prompt. (You can still purchase designs you made/previously owned, as long as they were not submitted to the shop by you.)
- A counter to make sure surrendered designs have been owned for at least 30 days before surrendering. Surrenders will now automatically send an error message if this criteria has not been met.
We hope this makes your tidepool-ing experiences easier, and feel free to reach out if there's any issues with the code!
Big thank you to Kite for coding these in! 💕
Hey everyone!
We know it's late, but we have a very important announcement to make regarding the tide pool and some updates for it.
Recently, I had commissioned a custom code for the shop, placing some limits onto it. This includes
- A monthly purchase limit per user. Users can purchase 3 characters each month from The Tide Pool. This number should reset on the 1st of each month.
- Custom cooldown for the shop, characters adopted will now have a 30 day cooldown placed on them. This will prevent them from being sold or traded to other users.
(Users can still purchase a design as a gift for somebody else, and just submit a report or a ticket to have them transferred by a mod. This will still use one of your purchase slots for the month, however, for the user who purchased it!)
- You will not be able to surrender designs that you have owned for under 30 days.
We hope these changes will encourage everyone to think if they truly want a design before purchasing, and allow for more people to be able to use and interact with the shop.
We understand this might be upsetting for some, but ultimately this feels like a step in the right direction upon fixing a lot of the current issues within the shop.
Big shout outs and thank you to Min in the lorekeeper discord server for doing the custom coding for us! 💕