
Upright Ears (Common)

Category: Ears

Ears that are upright in position. (Inner ear must be water.)

Folded/Floppy Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears

Ears that are folded over and do not stand upright. It can be both ears or a singular ear. They can be longer but cannot go past the jawline. (Inner ear must be water)

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Long Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Ears that droop past the chin OR ears that are upright and taller than usual ears.

Ear Tufts - Cat (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Watercat

Distinct tufts of fur at the top of a Watercat’s ears. These tufts can be made out of water or sand. 

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Some stylistic reference art may fall under ear tufts and vise-versa. Example of tufts that would not be considered as the trait since it is stylistic: (

Cat Ear Tuft Examples:

Ear tufts on rounded ears:

Ear Tufts - Dog (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Waterdog

Distinct tufts of fur at the top of a Waterdog’s ears. These tufts can be made out of water or sand.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Some stylistic reference art may fall under ear tufts and vise-versa. Example of tufts that would not be considered as the trait since it is stylistic: (

Dog Ear Tuft Examples:

Curled Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Watercat

Rounded ears that curl towards the back of the head (this trait is only applicable to watercats.)

Ear fins (Rare)

Category: Ears

Ears that are in the shape of fins.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- These ear fins do not require water to be in the inner ear, but they can if you choose to make them out of water.

- More than one set of ear fins would require the multi-ear trait.

- Fins can be stylistic & take on any sort of natural/fantastical fin shape as long as they can still be clearly seen as fins.

Ear fins with water:

Ear fins without inner water:

Multiple Ears (Legendary)

Category: Ears

Having one or more sets of ears.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Ears must stay positioned on the head and cannot move to other parts of the body without the abnormal limb placement trait.

- You only need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog already has it, you are free to add more ears without needing additional multiple ear runes or legendary treats.

Rounded Ears - Big Cat (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Watercat (Big/Wild Cat subtype)

Ears that are completely rounded. The default ear shape for a big cat. (Inner ear must be water)

Rounded Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Ears that are completely rounded, similar to a bear or big cat.

Water Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Ears that are made out of water instead of sand. With water ears, the inner ear can either be made of sand or water, whereas normal sand ears require the inner ear to be made of water. Water ears can have portions of the ear still remain as sand cut-out designs.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Waterdog's cannot have ice on their sand without the 'Shaped Sand (Ice)' Legendary Trait.

Pure water ears:

Water ear with sand on the inside:

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