
Multiform (Mythical)

Category: Extras

A special trait that allows your Waterdog/cat to have another (or multiple) “forms”.
Forms are required if you want to have ‘Optional’ traits (Toggling the character having wings/horns/mist/etc... on their design or not.)

The Waterdog/cat can have a maximum of FIVE official forms on their masterlist shown. You can have multiple ‘optional’ traits, but the official forms themselves cannot exceed Five.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes


Multiform is not required to change hairstyles on your waterdog/cat. This includes completely removing the hair and making them 'bald'.
However, if your waterdog has wave hair and you change the style to be fully sand hair, that would require multiform (and vise versa.)

Multiform does not cover the following traits 
Color Changing Sand
Color Changing Water
Color Changing Eyes
Electrified Water (can be optional on it's own)
Transparent (can be optional on it's own)

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