
Water Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears

Ears that are made out of water instead of sand. With water ears, the inner ear can either be made of sand or water, whereas normal sand ears require the inner ear to be made of water. Water ears can have portions of the ear still remain as sand cut-out designs.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Waterdog's cannot have ice on their sand without the 'Shaped Sand (Ice)' Legendary Trait.

Pure water ears:

Water ear with sand on the inside:

Sand Toes - DISCONTINUED (Uncommon)

Category: Legs

Please do not use!

Short Sand Socks - DISCONTINUED (Uncommon)

Category: Legs

Please do not use!

Long Sand Socks - DISCONTINUED (Uncommon)

Category: Legs

Please do not use!

No Sand Socks (Common)

Category: Legs

Legs are made completely out of water and have no sand socks/toes.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Multiple Legs (Legendary)

Category: Legs

A Waterdog/cat that has more than four legs on their body. Legs must be in a ‘natural’ position (IE: not sticking out of their back/head).

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- You only need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog already has it, you are free to add more legs without needing additional multiple leg runes or legendary treats.

Sand Socks (Common)

Category: Legs

Any amount of sand present on a Waterdog/cats legs, excluding sand shirt/sweater and sand pants/shorts.  If a dog has a sand shirt/sweater or sand pants/shorts but doesn't have sand on the opposite legs, it wouldn't have this trait.

Large Claws (Rare)

Category: Legs

Abnormally large claws found on your character.

Sand On Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

A tail that has some amounts of sand on it. All Waterdogs/cats are required to have water on the tail somewhere.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Tails cannot be fully made of sand.

- The only exceptions to this are Aquatic tails.

Standard Tail Shape (Common)

Category: Tail

A tail shape that is considered normal for a default dog/cat/big cat. 

Wave Tail (Common)

Category: Tail

A tail made completely of water. Sometimes this can be portrayed as looking like a ‘wave’ or ‘waterfall’.

Curled Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

A tail that curls back towards the body.

Aquatic Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

Any and all shaped tails that are 'aquatic' looking in nature. These can have the shape of any realistic/fantastical fish and shark tails. This trait also includes 'tentacle' shaped tails.

Bob Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A very short tail like a bobcat! This trait is not the same as no tail

Multiple Tails (Rare)

Category: Tail

More than one tail on a waterdog/watercat.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- You only need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog already has it, you are free to add more tails without needing addition extra tail tickets or rare treats.

- A maximum of 9 tails is allowed to be added onto a design.

Regular multi-tails:

Shaped multi-tails:

Sentient Tail w/multi tail:

Split Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A tail with the end split down the middle! The split cannot reach the base of the tail as otherwise that would be considered multiple tails.

Extra Long Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail

A tail that is abnormally long compared to a natural dog/cat tail.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- 'Abnormally long' refers to a length that is not natural compared to a normal cat/dog tail. A 'normal' length would be a tail that is around half-to-the-full-length of a cat/dogs body. If a tail is longer than the cat/dogs body, it would start to fall under the 'extra long tail' zone.

Sentient Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail

Sentient Tails can come in many different shapes and sizes! They are allowed to have other pseudo ‘head’-like features on them, including ears, eyes, and mouths. They can be uniquely shaped (like a usable hand-tail) or ‘natural’ shaped (like snake-heads).

Sand Tufts (Common)

Category: Hair

Tufts of sand on the top of the head resembling bits of hair or overgrown fur.

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