
Breed Specific Body Type (Rare)

Category: Body

Breed Specific Body is used when wanting physical attributes that don't look like a 'standard' canine/wolf or cat/big cat (AKA: They are breed specific!) These would include wanting short legs, taller legs, corgi body, poodle hair, etc...

[IMPORTANT: Extended information on breed specific body (or BSB) can be found below:]

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- This trait is only for NATURAL real-life animal breeds. Anything unnatural looking (like noodle-body, giraffe, etc.) would go under Abnormal Body

- 'Mini' breeds are no longer being recognized as they are a loophole for the past 'abnormal size change' trait. Any 'mini' breeds will now be considered Extra-small (XS) and will need Abnormal Body (Size XS)

- The breed specific body trait will automatically cover any other traits in the species with your design, just with the addition of BSB. This means something like a basset hound, would not need to have long ears purchased/added on to your MYO as it will be automatically added in under BSB (though we still require it to be listed.)

Breeds that can be naturally made with the traits we have in the species already are NOT considered breed specific body (BSB).
(For Example: An Australian Shepherd can be made by using the bob tail + folded ears trait.)
The breed you are using for your design MUST physically change the body type in some way- by either changing height, drastic fur shape (such as poodles,) length, muzzle, build, etc... Breeds that do not change the body will not be allowed to be used as a BSB-body type, as they can be made with a normal MYO.


The below Breeds/Traits are currently allowed to be used without the need for 'bsb':


Any 'Generic' Dog Build
Aussie/Australian Shepherd
Shiba Inu
Arctic Fox
Red Fox


Any 'Generic' Cat Build
Domestic Short/Medium/Longhair Cat

Big Cats:

Any 'Generic' Big-Cat Build

Abnormal Wing Placement (Legendary)

Category: Body

Odd wing placements on the body anywhere besides the natural position on the point of the shoulder.

Body/Limb Segmentation (Legendary)

Category: Body

Parts of the body or limb are able to detach and reattach at will! This includes the head.

Stitching (Rare)

Category: Body

"Frankenstein" style stitches that attach two or more pieces of fur together. Can be a marking or different fur patterns. This is NOT the same as the shaped-sand fabric trait.

Open Stitching (Legendary)

Category: Body

Stitching on a Waterdog/Watercat that is loose, revealing holes or gaps or releasing things trapped within that is not natural (stuffing, etc.). This trait also needs the ‘stitching’ trait alongside it.

Wyvern (Legendary)

Category: Body

The front legs are replaced entirely with a set of wings, like a bat or a wyvern. The wrist of the wing acts as a paw in that it can hold the body's weight when placed on the ground. Wyvern wings can come in different styles. The Seraph wing trait is required for additional sets of wyvern wing ‘limbs’. 

Wyverns do NOT need sand sweater if their wings are sand UNLESS they also have a set of regular paws attatched to the wings

Abnormal Body (Legendary)

Category: Body

Any kind of specific unique body shape that is not within the confines of other body type traits. This trait is NOT the same as Breed Specific Body.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- New Abnormal Body Traits might not be approved depending on how drastic they are. If you are unsure if something works, please DM a moderator or ask in the discord.

- Abnormal Body Traits may be removed from this category and made into their own trait over time based on the popularity of it being added onto new designs and depending on if it would work as it’s own trait category. (Example: mermaid/gorgon body)

All Currently Usable Abnormal Body Traits:

Manta ray

XL Size

Long body

XS Size

Plush body

Long neck

Mermaid/Gorgon Body (Legendary)

Category: Body

A body where the back legs/body are replaced with a mermaid/shark/snake/serpant/fish/etc tail. This trait follows the same rules as normal aquatic tails. Although they can be made entirely out of sand, the main body must still have some sort of water on it or vise-versa.

Screen Face (Legendary)

Category: Body

Screen Face is where a simple digital screen panel replaces either part of the full face of a Waterdog!
Screen Faces can come in any color or shape and can display almost anything, including normal facial features! Screen Faces, complex or simple, replace all normal facial trait attributes unless the screen portion is partially leaving natural facial features present.

Uniquely shaped screen faces also fall under this category.

Transparent (Legendary)

Category: Body

This trait allows your waterdog to gain a ‘ghostly’ see-through effect!

Corruption (Legendary)

Category: Body

Corruption is a separate colored mass attached to the Waterdog/cats body and has a goopy or lava-lamp look!

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Corruption cannot take up more than 50% of a waterdog’s design. Water must still be present on a waterdog and the corruption cannot fully take over the water,

- Color changing water can be used to give corruption alternate color forms.

Complex Screen Face - DISCONTINUED (Legendary)

Category: Body

Please do not use!

Animal Companion (Common)

Category: Extras

An animal friend that is physically on your Waterdog/cats masterlist! Can be any animal (not humanoid), and cannot be another Waterdog/Watercat OR other ‘OCs’ like your non-waterdog sona.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Halo (Rare)

Category: Extras

A halo that is governing magically over a Waterdog/cat. It is most commonly on the head, but can show up anywhere on the body. The shape itself has no limits.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- x1 Treat/Trait Ticket is required per halo added. There are no limits to the amount of halos you can add.

Wings (Rare)

Category: Extras

One pair of two wings attached to the back of a Waterdog. Can be a mix and match of sand AND/OR water. (Can also be a singular wing through the use of the 'missing appendages' trait.)

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Horns (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more horns adorning a Waterdog’s head. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Antlers (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more horns adorning a Waterdog’s head with multiple prongs like a deer. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Unicorn Horn (Rare)

Category: Extras

A singular horn adorning a Waterdog’s head. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Antenna (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more appendages sprouting from the head of a Waterdog/cat. Can be wire-like, insect-like, or alien-appendage-like! Shape and size do not matter. They can be made out of sand or water.

Seraph Wings (Legendary)

Category: Extras

More than one pair of wings on a Waterdog/cat’s back.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Abnormal Wing Placement is required for the wings to be placed elsewhere.

- One pair of wings must already be present to apply. If not, an additional wing ticket must be applied as well.

-You ONLY need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog has Seraph Wings, you are free to add as many more wings as you would like WITHOUT needing more wing tickets, or Seraph Wing runes

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