
Sandcastle (Uncommon)

Category: Extras

A little castle appearing on your Waterdog/cat! Can be made of sand or any little kind of miniature castle-like structure.

Body Horror (Legendary)

Category: Extras

Body Horror is for mutations that may be considered uncanny/unsettling for users to look at. These traits are often spoiled on the masterlist and have 'horror' elements to them.  All usable uncategorized mutations can be found in the examples below:

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Chibi Wings (Rare)

Category: Extras

Chibi Wings are a subtrait to the 'wings' trait. These wings can be detached a 'floating' away from the body WITHOUT needing the Limb Segmentation trait. A Wing Trait Ticket can be used to add this trait to your waterdog/cat.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Chimera (Legendary)

Category: Extras

Mutations that cover any/all 'abnormal' animal body parts. All usable Chimera traits can be found in the examples below:

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Traits may be removed from this category and made into their own trait over time based on the popularity of it being added onto new designs and if it is overwhelming this category.

All Currently Usable Chimera Traits:


Bird feet:

Dragon Legs:

Dragon Plating (Chest Scales):


Manta Ray Fins:

Raptor Claws:

Serpent Hair:

Dragon Whiskers (Rare)

Category: Extras

Thick, long whiskers that are akin to an Eastern Dragon. Can also flow from elsewhere on the head but cannot mimic antennas.

Uncategorized Mutation (Legendary)

Category: Extras

Mutations that do not fall within other categories of the trait encyclopedia. All usable uncategorized mutations can be found in the examples below:

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- New Uncategorized Traits might not be approved depending on how drastic they are. If you are unsure if something works, please DM a moderator or ask in the discord.

- Unnatural Mutations may be removed from this category and made into their own trait over time based on the popularity of it being added onto new designs.

All Currently Usable Uncategorized Mutations:


Blank Face (Legendary)

Category: Extras

A face completely devoid of eyes, mouth, and a nose.

Tusks/Saber Teeth (Rare)

Category: Extras

Giant teeth that cannot be contained in the mouth of a Waterdog/Watercat! Can be saber-like, orc-like, etc.

Crystal Growth (Legendary)

Category: Extras

Crystal formations growing out of the sand or water of a Waterdog/Watercat.

Volcano (Uncommon)

Category: Extras

A small volcano that appears somewhere on your Waterdog/cat! Must be made out of sand. It can also have an ‘erupting’-like effect and can mimic a normal mountain formation.

Animal Companion (Common)

Category: Extras

An animal friend that is physically on your Waterdog/cats masterlist! Can be any animal (not humanoid), and cannot be another Waterdog/Watercat OR other ‘OCs’ like your non-waterdog sona.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Seaweed (Uncommon)

Category: Extras

Aquatic vegetation that appears someplace on the Waterdog/cat!

Multiform (Mythical)

Category: Extras

A special trait that allows your Waterdog/cat to have another (or multiple) “forms”. Forms are required if you want to have ‘Optional’ traits (Like toggling them having wings/horns/mist/etc. on their design or not).

The Waterdog/cat can have a maximum of FIVE official forms on their masterlist shown. You can have multiple ‘optional’ traits, but the official forms themselves cannot exceed Five.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Multiform is not required to change hairstyles on your waterdog/cat. This includes completely removing the hair and making them 'bald'. However, if your waterdog has wavehair and you change the style to be fully sand hair, that would require multiform (and vise versa).

Seraph Wings (Legendary)

Category: Extras

More than one pair of wings on a Waterdog/cat’s back.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- Abnormal Wing Placement is required for the wings to be placed elsewhere.

- One pair of wings must already be present to apply. If not, an additional wing ticket must be applied as well.

-You ONLY need to apply this trait ONCE. If a Waterdog has Seraph Wings, you are free to add as many more wings as you would like WITHOUT needing more wing tickets, or Seraph Wing runes

Antenna (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more appendages sprouting from the head of a Waterdog/cat. Can be wire-like, insect-like, or alien-appendage-like! Shape and size do not matter. They can be made out of sand or water.

Unicorn Horn (Rare)

Category: Extras

A singular horn adorning a Waterdog’s head. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Antlers (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more horns adorning a Waterdog’s head with multiple prongs like a deer. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Horns (Rare)

Category: Extras

Two or more horns adorning a Waterdog’s head. Shape and size do not matter. Horns can be made out of sand or water.

Wings (Rare)

Category: Extras

One pair of two wings attached to the back of a Waterdog. Can be a mix and match of sand AND/OR water. (Can also be a singular wing through the use of the 'missing appendages' trait.)

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

Halo (Rare)

Category: Extras

A halo that is governing magically over a Waterdog/cat. It is most commonly on the head, but can show up anywhere on the body. The shape itself has no limits.

Visual Example & Additional Trait Notes

- x1 Treat/Trait Ticket is required per halo added. There are no limits to the amount of halos you can add.

20 results found.