
<a href=" Color Changer" class="display-item">Water Color Changer</a>

Water Color Changer

Category: Trait Modifiers

Change the water color of a waterdog of your choosing. This does not include rainbow water. 

If added to a dog with color-changing water, this item adds another common variant!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" / Saber Teeth" class="display-item">Tusks / Saber Teeth</a>

Tusks / Saber Teeth

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add tusks or saber teeth to a waterdog of your choosing.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Ears" class="display-item">Long Ears</a>

Long Ears

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add long ears (ears that fall below chin-length, or rise above natural ear length upright) to a waterdog of your choosing.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Water" class="display-item">Split Water</a>

Split Water

Category: Trait Modifiers

Adds the split water trait to a waterdog of your choosing.
Split water can come in all variants, whether it's a half-and-half type (example 1,) or something more like like specific shapes (example 2,) or "markings" in the water (example 3.) 



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<a href=" Sculpting Kit" class="display-item">Sand Sculpting Kit</a>

Sand Sculpting Kit

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: neotabu

"Hey look, a kit for making sand sculptures! I wonder what we could do with this..."

Gives your character the Shaped Sand trait!
Shaped Sand comes in several different styles, refer to it's trait description to see everything currently available. 

The sand sculpting kit will only provide one kind of shaped sand to add to your character.
Any addtional kinds of shaped sand will need another kit, or legendary treat.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Water" class="display-item">Rainbow Water</a>

Rainbow Water

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 1000 Sand Dollar

Add rainbow water to a waterdog of your choosing.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Bob Tail</a>

Bob Tail

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add one bob tail to a waterdog of your choosing.



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<a href=" Eye Color" class="display-item">Non-Matching Eye Color</a>

Non-Matching Eye Color

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 500 Sand Dollar

Add non-matching eye color (color that does not match the dog's water) to a waterdog of your choosing.


<a href=" Sweater/Shirt" class="display-item">Sand Sweater/Shirt</a>

Sand Sweater/Shirt

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add a sand sweater or a sand shirt to a waterdog of your choosing.

Sand Sweater VS Sand Shirt examples

The first one below displays a Sand Sweater, while the second one depicts a Sand Shirt


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Growth Runestone" class="display-item">Crystal Growth Runestone</a>

Crystal Growth Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Crystal Growth trait!

Crystal formations growing out of the sand or water of a Waterdog/Watercat.


Uses: Gives your character the crystal growth trait!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" / Gorgon Body Runestone" class="display-item">Mermaid / Gorgon Body Runestone</a>

Mermaid / Gorgon Body Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Mermaid / Gorgon Body trait!

A body where the back legs/body are replaced with a mermaid/shark/snake/serpant/fish/etc tail.

This trait follows the same rules as normal aquatic tails. Although they can be made entirely out of sand, the main body must still have some sort of water on it or vise-versa.


Uses: Gives your character the Mermaid / Gorgon Body trait!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Pants/Shorts" class="display-item">Sand Pants/Shorts</a>

Sand Pants/Shorts

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add sand pants or sand shorts to a waterdog of your choosing.

Sand Pants VS Sand Shorts Example


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tails" class="display-item">Extra Tails</a>

Extra Tails

Category: Trait Modifiers

Gives your character the multiple tails trait!
Adds extra tails onto your character! You can have a maximum total of nine tails.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Head Runestone" class="display-item">Object Head Runestone</a>

Object Head Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: G0DSYNDR0M3

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Object Head trait! 

Replaces your character's head with an inamimate object .

Uses: Gives your character the object head trait


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Face Runestone" class="display-item">Screen Face Runestone</a>

Screen Face Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Screen Face trait!

Screen Face is where a simple digital screen panel replaces either part of the full face of a Waterdog!
Screen Faces can come in any color or shape and can display almost anything, including normal facial features! Screen Faces, complex or simple, replace all normal facial trait attributes unless the screen portion is partially leaving natural facial features present.

Uniquely shaped screen faces also fall under this category.


Uses: Gives your character the screen face trait


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Sclera" class="display-item">Colored Sclera</a>

Colored Sclera

Category: Trait Modifiers

Adds any color sclera (sclera = white part of the eyes) to a waterdog of your choosing including dark/black colored scleras.

Colored Sclera (left) VS Standard Sclera (right)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Shaped Tail</a>

Shaped Tail

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add one shaped tail to a waterdog of your choosing. You may chose the presentation of the shaped tail (does not include mermaid or shark tails, as those would be considered Aquatic Tails.)

Shaped Tails can be entirely made of sand, or be paritally/fully made of water! They are the only types of tails, alongside Aquatic Tails, that can be entirely made of sand.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Eyes" class="display-item">Blank Eyes</a>

Blank Eyes

Category: Trait Modifiers

Add blank eyes (remove the pupil and iris, eyes are one solid color) to a waterdog of your choosing.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" MYO - Rare" class="display-item">Charity MYO - Rare</a>

Charity MYO - Rare

Category: MYOs


A special dog MYO slot obtained through the Palestine Charity Event in April 2024. Allows the unlimited use of Rare traits.

Tradeable but non-resellable!

<a href=" MYO - Big Cat" class="display-item">Charity MYO - Big Cat</a>

Charity MYO - Big Cat

Category: MYOs


A big cat MYO slot obtained through the Palestine Charity Event in April 2024. Cannot use Rare traits or above.

Tradeable but non-resellable!

186 results found.