Dragon Whiskers
This item gives your character the dragon whiskers trait!
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Multiple Eyes Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
This runestone can be used to add the Multiple Eyes trait to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.
The Example Below would be Abnormal Eye Placement + Multiple Eyes
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Multiple Ears Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives you character the multiple ears trait!
This runestone can be used to add one set of ears to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.
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Seraph Wing Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives your character the Seraph Wings trait!
One pair of wings must already be present to apply. If not, an additional wing ticket must be applied as well.
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Mist Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives your character the mist trait!
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Color Changing Eyes Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Using this item will allow you to add the color changing eyes trait to your character!
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Glowing Eyes
Gives your character the glowing eyes trait!
Glowing eyes can be stylized, but cannot appear too much like mist coming from the eyes. Eyes glow permanately, and do not have to include a glow trail.
Uses: Gives your character the glowing eyes trait
Halloween 2024
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Gives your character the Will-O-Wisps trait!
Will-O-Wisps are optional balls of energy, flames, magic or similar type of substances that follow and float around the character.
Can be sentient when paired with the animal companion trait.
Does not require the mist trait- but can be paired with it. They can be stylized.
Uses: Gives your character the will-o-wisps trait
Halloween 2024
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Category: Trait Modifiers
Add snow to your dog!
Visual Guide below by G0DSYNDR0M3
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Rainbow Water
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 1000
Add rainbow water to a waterdog of your choosing.
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Sand Sculpting Kit
"Hey look, a kit for making sand sculptures! I wonder what we could do with this..."
Gives your character the Shaped Sand trait!
Shaped Sand comes in several different styles, refer to it's trait description to see everything currently available.
The sand sculpting kit will only provide one kind of shaped sand to add to your character.
Any addtional kinds of shaped sand will need another kit, or legendary treat.
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Split Water
Category: Trait Modifiers
Adds the split water trait to a waterdog of your choosing.
Split water can come in all variants, whether it's a half-and-half type (example 1,) or something more like like specific shapes (example 2,) or "markings" in the water (example 3.)
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Tusks / Saber Teeth
Category: Trait Modifiers
Add tusks or saber teeth to a waterdog of your choosing.
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Water Color Changer
Category: Trait Modifiers
Change the water color of a waterdog of your choosing. This does not include rainbow water.
If added to a dog with color-changing water, this item adds another common variant!
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Sand Color Changer
Category: Trait Modifiers
Change the sand color of a waterdog of your choosing. This only accounts for minor hue and marking adjustments, not drastic changes.
This does not add unnatural sand colors / markings, unless the character already has that trait.
If added to a dog with color-changing sand, this item adds another variant!
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Unnatural Sand Colors
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 500
Add unnatural sand colors to a waterdog of your choosing.
This trait is ONLY used for metallic/glowing sand or markings!
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