Wyvern Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Using this Runestone on any Waterdog or cat will transform it into a Wyvern.
This replaces the front two legs with wings, which may be of any style.
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Gives your character the Will-O-Wisps trait!
Will-O-Wisps are optional balls of energy, flames, magic or similar type of substances that follow and float around the character.
Can be sentient when paired with the animal companion trait.
Does not require the mist trait- but can be paired with it. They can be stylized.
Uses: Gives your character the will-o-wisps trait
Halloween 2024
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Glowing Eyes
Gives your character the glowing eyes trait!
Glowing eyes can be stylized, but cannot appear too much like mist coming from the eyes. Eyes glow permanately, and do not have to include a glow trail.
Uses: Gives your character the glowing eyes trait
Halloween 2024
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Color Changing Eyes Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Using this item will allow you to add the color changing eyes trait to your character!
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Mist Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives your character the mist trait!
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Seraph Wing Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives your character the Seraph Wings trait!
One pair of wings must already be present to apply. If not, an additional wing ticket must be applied as well.
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Multiple Ears Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
Gives you character the multiple ears trait!
This runestone can be used to add one set of ears to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.
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Multiple Eyes Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
This runestone can be used to add the Multiple Eyes trait to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.
The Example Below would be Abnormal Eye Placement + Multiple Eyes
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Dragon Whiskers
This item gives your character the dragon whiskers trait!
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Large Claws
Adds abnormaly large claws to your character!
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Multiform Runestone
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 55
Gives your character the Multiform trait!
Added on traits must be purchased separately!!
You can have a total of up to 5 forms per character, you are not required to use multiple runes for multiple forms (one rune is all you need.) Addtional forms can be added on to your character (if you already have the Multiform trait) at any point in time, so long as you have the proper traits already on the character, or trait modifier items when submitting a design update.
Multiform does not cover the following traits
- Color Changing Sand
- Color Changing Water
- Color Changing Eyes
- Electrified Water (can be optional on it's own)
- Transparent (can be optional on it's own)
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Rounded Ears
Category: Trait Modifiers
This ticket allows your waterdog or watercat to have rounded ears!
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Breed Specific Body Type
Category: Trait Modifiers
This ticket allows you to add a Breed Specific Body Type (BSB) to your waterdog.
The below examples demonstrate Poodles, Lykois, and Munchkins/short legs
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Category: Trait Modifiers
Gives your character the Stitching trait!
"Frankenstein" style stitches that attach two or more pieces of fur together. Can be a marking or different fur patterns.
Stitching with gaps/holes require this, as well as the Open Stitching legendary trait.
This is NOT the same as the shaped sand fabric trait.
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Abnormal Eye Placement Rune
Category: Trait Modifiers
Resale Value: 10
This runestone will allow you to change the eye placement on one Waterdog to an unnatural position, and give your character the Abnormal Eye Placement trait.
Note; this item cannot be used to add additional eyes to a design, you will need the Multiple Eyes trait to add extra sets of eyes.
The Example Below would be Abnormal Eye Placement + Multiple Eyes
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Water Ears
Category: Trait Modifiers
Gives your character the water ears trait!
This ticket allows your waterdog to have its ears made out of water!
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Split Tail
Category: Trait Modifiers
Gives your character the split tail trait!
This will create a split / fork in your character's tail. This is not the same as multiple tails!
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Aquatic Tail
Category: Trait Modifiers
This Ticket allows your Waterdog to have a fish-shaped or fully aquatic mammal/fishtail!
This includes Sharks, Dolphins, Seals, goldfish, koi fish, etc!
Aquatic tails can be fully made of sand, or be partial and/or fully water!
They are the only tails allowed to be fully sand alongside shaped tails.
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Extra Long Tail
Category: Trait Modifiers
This ticket allows your waterdog to have an extra long tail!
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