
<a href=" Changing Eyes Runestone" class="display-item">Color Changing Eyes Runestone</a>

Color Changing Eyes Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Using this item will allow you to add the color changing eyes trait to your character!



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Runestone" class="display-item">Mist Runestone</a>

Mist Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the mist trait!



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Wing Runestone" class="display-item">Seraph Wing Runestone</a>

Seraph Wing Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Seraph Wings trait!

One pair of wings must already be present to apply. If not, an additional wing ticket must be applied as well.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Ears Runestone" class="display-item">Multiple Ears Runestone</a>

Multiple Ears Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives you character the multiple ears trait!
This runestone can be used to add one set of ears to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Eyes Runestone" class="display-item">Multiple Eyes Runestone</a>

Multiple Eyes Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

This runestone can be used to add the Multiple Eyes trait to any Waterdog, Watercat, or Big Watercat.


The Example Below would be Abnormal Eye Placement + Multiple Eyes


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Runestone" class="display-item">Multiform Runestone</a>

Multiform Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 55 Starfish

Gives your character the Multiform trait!

Added on traits must be purchased separately!!

You can have a total of up to 5 forms per character, you are not required to use multiple runes for multiple forms (one rune is all you need.) Addtional forms can be added on to your character (if you already have the Multiform trait) at any point in time, so long as you have the proper traits already on the character, or trait modifier items when submitting a design update.

Multiform does not cover the following traits 
- Color Changing Sand
- Color Changing Water
- Color Changing Eyes
- Electrified Water (can be optional on it's own)
- Transparent (can be optional on it's own)


<a href=" Water Runestone" class="display-item">Electric Water Runestone</a>

Electric Water Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Adds electric water to one character.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Face Runestone" class="display-item">Blank Face Runestone</a>

Blank Face Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

This runestone can be used to add the Blank Face trait to any Waterdog or cat design.
Note: The entire face will be wiped with this trait!



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Runestone" class="display-item">Wyvern Runestone</a>

Wyvern Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Using this Runestone on any Waterdog or cat will transform it into a Wyvern.
This replaces the front two legs with wings, which may be of any style.



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Face Runestone" class="display-item">Screen Face Runestone</a>

Screen Face Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Screen Face trait!

Screen Face is where a simple digital screen panel replaces either part of the full face of a Waterdog!
Screen Faces can come in any color or shape and can display almost anything, including normal facial features! Screen Faces, complex or simple, replace all normal facial trait attributes unless the screen portion is partially leaving natural facial features present.

Uniquely shaped screen faces also fall under this category.


Uses: Gives your character the screen face trait


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Head Runestone" class="display-item">Object Head Runestone</a>

Object Head Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: G0DSYNDR0M3

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Object Head trait! 

Replaces your character's head with an inamimate object .

Uses: Gives your character the object head trait


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" / Gorgon Body Runestone" class="display-item">Mermaid / Gorgon Body Runestone</a>

Mermaid / Gorgon Body Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Mermaid / Gorgon Body trait!

A body where the back legs/body are replaced with a mermaid/shark/snake/serpant/fish/etc tail.

This trait follows the same rules as normal aquatic tails. Although they can be made entirely out of sand, the main body must still have some sort of water on it or vise-versa.


Uses: Gives your character the Mermaid / Gorgon Body trait!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Growth Runestone" class="display-item">Crystal Growth Runestone</a>

Crystal Growth Runestone

Category: Trait Modifiers

Artist: AlienOddity

Resale Value: 10 Starfish

Gives your character the Crystal Growth trait!

Crystal formations growing out of the sand or water of a Waterdog/Watercat.


Uses: Gives your character the crystal growth trait!


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Runestone</a>


Category: Collectible Items

The symbol gives off a faint glow, and is very cold to the touch.
This was an event item for years past, it's just a collectible now!

14 results found.